1st Grade

1st Grade Art

1st Graders celebrated the International Day of Peace

First Graders Learn to Weave


Warm vs Cool Landscapes

Positive vs Negative Space 


Fantastic Job First Graders!!!!!

Symmetrical Monarchs

First graders have been learning symmetry throughout the year which inspired us to create an art project relating to this.  We started by looking at several pictures of Monarch butterflies and how their wings were identical.  Next, we folded our paper in half and drew one wing design.  We applied paint to only one side of our paper and then we re-folded our paper so the paint would print on the other side.  This was a lot of fun and the students created great symmetrical butterflies.



From our 1st Graders!

Klimt Trees

First graders learned about the famous painter, Gustav Klimt and they viewed his Tree of Life.  They learned about ground lines and then they drew their own tree, focusing on adding several spiral branches.  They painted their beautiful background using tissue paper and water.  They started by painting water over tissue paper squares and then peeling off the tissue paper once it was dry.  The bright colors were left behind. 


Leaf Bowls


Leaf Jumpers

Leaf Jumpers by Carole Gerber is a book that we read in first grade.  This book relates to fall and introduces several types of leaves.  After reading and having a discussion about the different types of leaves, we began by tracing one of three leaves.  We then added veins to our leaves which caused the leave to be divided into sections.  In each section, we drew patterns using the lines that we learned from our “ish” project.  Don’t these leaves look beautiful?


Leaf Drawings

We ended our leaf unit with these fabulous leaf drawings. First graders were given a piece of paper that had a real leaf glued to it.  They had to turn the paper until they saw something creative that they could turn their leaf into.  The first picture below is a drawing of a football game where the leaf is the football.  Next, we have a giant fish jumping out of the water.  The third drawing is a couple of friends fanning each other on a hot day and lastly, we have a swing like the ones at a fair.  Way to use your imagination 1st Graders!!


First graders read the book Ish.  This book taught us that not everything is going to turn out perfect; instead it may look “ish.”  For example, when we draw shapes, they might look “shape-ish.”  It is okay to make mistakes as long as we try our best.  Throughout this project, we learned about lines and we drew these different lines using colored pencils, crayons and markers.  The lines that we learned were straight, wavy, zigzag, spiral, loopty-loop and dotted line.  Next, we learned about shapes: square, rectangles, circles, ovals, triangles and diamonds.  We practiced drawing these shapes and decorating them then we cut out the strips of paper that the shapes were on.  We learned the proper way to use scissors and practiced our cutting skills.  Afterwards we glued them to our paper.  Overall, we learned how to use several basic art supplies while creating “ish” art.



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