5th Grade

5th Grade Art

PoP ArT 

 Pop Art Prints

Louise Nevelson Recycled Sculptures

Chihuly Inspired Macchia Bowls


Line & Pattern Letters 

Monochromatic Self-Portraits

5th Graders celebrated the International Day of Peace

Side Walk Chalk


Mini Macchias


African Cat Eyes

African Masks


Using the book Amulets by Sheila Payne, students learned that amulets are used in many cultures to draw the powers of luck, protection and love to themselves.  Students learned to make paper Mache pulp to form their amulets. The resulting product, when dry can resembles stone. Once the forms dried, students added a variety of materials, including paint and yarn. A number of students learned macramé and used it to create a way of carrying their amulets or displaying their amulets.


Optical Illusions


From our 5th Graders

Fall Still Life

We began our still life lesson by learning about the four different types of line: outline, contour, gesture and implied.  The subject of our drawing was a fall themed still life.  We learned about space and how overlapping, size and placement enhances our drawings.  After completing the drawing, we painted using watercolors.  The students were challenged with this project but overall they turned out great!




Line & Pattern Portraits

Fifth Graders created a self-portrait using line and patterns only.   They were put to the challenge of creating several unique and different patterns.  They chose to fill in their head with their patterns or they were allowed to fill in their background.  Whichever they chose they were not allowed to draw into the other section.  This project took a lot of concentration, neatness and patience.   
Great Job 5th Graders!! 



5th Grade Circle Mural

The fifth grade students started art this year by making a mural.  For our mural we chose a circle because it symbolizes wholeness and connections.   All of the fifth grade students are connected by their grade level but some are also connected by their interests, dislikes, fears, and backgrounds.  To learn how we are all connected, each student received a piece of the circle and they were to design their piece based on things they like.  When finished every piece came together to create one mural.  The fifth grade teachers also participated in this art project. 


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