3rd Grade Art
3rd Graders celebrated the International Day of Peace
Third Graders made Clay Fish and Owls
Van Gogh Inspired Shoe Drawings
3rd Graders celebrated the International Day of Peace
Third Graders made Clay Fish and Owls
Van Gogh Inspired Shoe Drawings
As we continue learning about Vincent Van Gogh, we view some of his famous shoe paintings. As a class, we try to guess things about the owner of one of the shoe paintings. We learn that these are just guesses and often those guesses turn out to be wrong. We don’t know the story behind the shoes or owner until we “walk in their shoes.” After the discussion we practice drawing our own shoe. First, we do a blind contour drawing, which means we keep our eyes on the shoe and never look at the paper. Second, we do a regular contour drawing, which allows us to look at the subject and the paper as we draw. We continue our shoe unit by drawing a final, more detailed contour drawing of our shoe. After they draw their shoe, they add details and eventually apply shading to their drawing using chalk. The students are finished drawing their shoe, now it is time for them to write and tell us what a day would be like in their shoes. The students incorporate many descriptive words in their story. They really enjoyed sharing these stories! Excellent Job!
Van Gogh Sunflower Monoprints
A monoprint is a series of prints in which there are differences in each print. Third graders began by painting the table black and drawing the vase and sunflowers with their finger. The harder they pushed down the less paint there would be. After creating their image, they gently pressed their paper on it and then pulling it back to create a print. They repeated this five times and picked their best one! We had a great and messy time with this project! Good job third graders!!
Monet Water Lilies
Students learned about the artist Claude Monet and viewed his painting Bridge Over a Pond of Water Lilies. Classroom discussion focused on correlations to prior Impressionism projects. In this activity students used watercolor paint, paper towels and q-tips to create their own version of Bridge over a Pond of Water Lilies. The process began with students taping their paper down and applying a watercolor wash to watercolor paper. While the paper was wet students used q-tips to apply wet paint to the wet paper surface to make trees and the bank of the pond. In subsequent settings students used dry paint technique and q-tips to create water lily flowers and a bridge.
Van Gogh Sailboats
The famous artist Vincent Van Gogh was introduced to the third graders. They learned about this unique artist as well as the impressionism style of art. The students created artwork inspired by both. They continued working on perspective with a bigger focus on what is in the foreground, middle ground and background.
Georges Seurat was a French artist who created the technique of pointillism. Pointillism is a technique of applying color to an image using small dots. This method allows the creation of depth and value through the application of more or less dots. This project began with students viewing a print of Seurat’s A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of Le Grande Jatte and examining the use of dots in the creation of this painting. They then made a pencil drawing of a vase of flowers. Students added additional elements to the drawing including a table, window and wall. Following the completion of the drawing, students proceeded to erase one element in the drawing at a time and replace it with dots. Once the drawing was recreated with dots, they then used the placement of additional dots, with consideration of light and dark to create a sense of depth.
From our 3rd Graders
Falling Back Into School
Third grade started art class by creating a self-portrait where it looks like we are falling back into school. Throughout this unit we discussed perspective and how to create a portrait that would give the illusion of us falling backwards. We started by tracing our hands and feet. Then, we drew our face and body a little smaller to help show depth. Lastly, we drew symbols that relate to school in the background. While drawing these school related symbols we concentrated on overlapping. We made sure to put these symbols behind us so our viewers could see that we are falling on them. We are falling back into school!
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