Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Groveport Elementary is on

Sorry, I have not updated the blog in a while but I have been VERY busy with  Artsonia is an online gallery for student artwork.  You can view, comment and purchase keepsakes with a picture of your child's artwork on it.  When you purchase an item 20% comes back to the art program so it's a GrEat way to support the visual arts. Please check out the site!! 

Monday, October 14, 2013

Visiting Illustrator

Steve Harpster visited Groveport Elementary!!

4th Grade Art Club made two welcome banners for our visitor.  We hung these in the stairway to make sure he saw them on his way to the auditorium. 

Along with the banners, several students colored one of Steve Harpster's illustrations.  They were on display throughout the entire school!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

We're off to another GrEat year

Welcome to a new school year at Groveport Elementary.  Throughout the school year we will be communicating by combined art and music newsletters.  These newsletters will inform you with current and upcoming projects and events that your child will be experiencing at school.  Please let us know of any questions or concerns you have. We are very excited to be enriching your child’s education with the arts and we appreciate your support!
Mrs. Sperk (Art) and Mrs. Brunner (Music)

Monday, July 1, 2013

2013-2014 Art Class Supply List

Hello Everyone! I hope you all are enjoying your summer so far! We still have a month and a half until school starts but I wanted to get this list out there so you can plan accordingly! Here are the supplies that each student should bring to art their first art class.  These supplies will help a lot! 
Kindergarten - Aluminum Foil
First - 2 Large Pink Erasers
Second - 1 Package of Construction Paper
Third -  1 Package of Baby Wipes
Fourth -  Crayola Watercolors
Fifth - 2 Black Sharpie Markers
Thank you so much for your help and support! :)

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

5th Grade Bottle Cap Project

The 5th grade bottle cap mural.  
I chose a few fifth grade students to create this cruiser mural.  These students worked first thing in the morning for the past two weeks to create this masterpiece.  Our school principal, Mr. Boggs, asked for a cruiser at the beginning of the school year.  We presented this artwork to him on the last day of school and this piece will hung up in the hallway for everyone to see! 

Monday, May 6, 2013

Tuesday is Election Day!!!! Don't forget to vote!

Support at polls critical for continuing momentum
Voters will have the opportunity to support the district and its forward progress at the polls tomorrow. 
If approved, Issue 14, a 7.08-mill operating issue will generate $5.5 million annually for 5 consecutive years. The emergency levy would cost roughly $18 per month for the owner of $100,000 in property valuation.
Issue 14 will drive Groveport Madison in a new direction if residents support the initiative. 

The measure would generate the dollars needed for day-to-day expenses, such as, but not limited to, salaries, instructional materials, books, equipment, utilities and fuel for buses. 

An Election Day victory would preserve current programming and open doors to new opportunities (see more here). Passage would also put Groveport Madison on the path to financial stability as it faces a deficit each of the next five years. In fact, it has to borrow from cash advances now.

No new money has been approved since 2009. Even if the measure passes, Groveport Madison's collection rate would be the second lowest of all 19 districts in Franklin County. 

Board offers community promises
The Board of Education recently passed a resolution to help voters understand the urgency of Tuesday's ballot initiative.

If voters support Issue 14 at the polls, the Board promises not to return to the ballot for five years for operating dollars. 

The Board also discussed a "fiscal stability plan" that would save $2.1 million annually regardless of the levy outcome and steps to take should the levy fail. The Board will vote on the specifics at its May 16 meeting.

The district will work toward eliminating the $2.1 million by redefining some of the school attendance boundaries at the elementary level, creating three middle schools for grades 6-8 and reconfiguring the associated K-8 transportation routes. The move would be implemented regardless of the election's outcome on Tuesday.

The district would have to trim an additional $2.6 from the budget if Issue 14 is rejected. Those dollars would come from reducing staff positions (physical education teachers and media specialists), the elimination of high school busing and consolidation of some sports and extracurriculars into club-level activities not funded by Groveport Madison Schools. 

Monday, April 29, 2013

Thank you

Thank you to everyone who came to our school art show last Friday night.  It was a huge success.  I received a lot of positive feedback about the art on display! Our students worked very hard and it shows! If you were unable to attend the artwork will remain up until May 10th.

Also, thank you to the staff who came to the show and for helping! It is great to know that art is supported!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Why is art important?

I asked my students why they thought art was important and why they enjoy art.  Here are some of their answers:

  • ... it lets you take a break and relax. 3rd Grade - L
  • ... it lets me express my feelings and make special gifts for my family. 3rd Grade - G
  • ... you learn something new every day in art. 3rd Grade - M
  • ... it helps you calm down. 3rd Grade 
  • ... it is fun and I love to be creative. 3rd Grade - K
  • ... without art there would be no cards, no fun and no color. 3rd Grade - B
  • ... there would be no color in paintings. 3rd Grade - W
  • ... for some people it's their only talent. 4th Grade - N
  • ... I get to use clay, paint and a lot of colors. 4th Grade - L
  • ... you can show how you feel on paper. 4th Grade - K
  • ... you learn how to make art so the world would be more beautiful. 4th Grade - K
  • ... it can inspire kids to be artists. 4th Grade - C
  • ... it makes me feel good. 4th Grade
  • ... because it will help us be inspired to become artists, maybe an actor or something creative.  Maybe help us have jobs when we grow up. 4th Grade - C
  • I like art because art if life.  It gives kids a chance to show what they can do. 4th Grade - B
  • get to express your feelings on a piece of paper and it's fun.  Also, you get to be creative in your own way.  5th Grade - S
  • ... I love to draw and art is a neat way to show everyone's creativity and have fun.  5th Grade - C
  • ... kids can use their imagination. 5th Grade - E
  • ... I can make stuff for my family.  5th Grade - J

Sunday, April 14, 2013

AO Art Display

Groveport and Madison Elementary have artwork on display at the Administrative Office during the month of April.  12 students were chosen from our school.  Their names are on the bulletin board outside of the main office! Check it out! And don't forget our school art show is coming up... April 26th!!!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


FRIDAY, APRIL 26th from 6:00-8:30pm.  

The talent show is also this night and it will begin at 6:30pm. 

I hope to see you there! The students are producing some fantastic work!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Town Hall Art Show

Here are a few pictures of Groveport Elementary's artwork at the Town Hall art show.  The show will be up until the end of March so you can go see it anytime!


Thank you to my wonderful students!!

I returned from maternity leave to this:

Thank you to all of my students who made Karly and I a card!! I missed you all!

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Town Hall Art Show

March 7-27th
Groveport Town Hall
648 East Main Street

Congratulations to those students whose artwork made it into the Art Show! To find out if one of your projects was chosen see the "News" board in the art room.  Fliers will also be passed out this upcoming week.

Every student will have at least one piece in the show